
Showing posts from January, 2016

The Sunday after last Sunday

-My literary analysis teacher was talking about his 4 point grading scale (so basically a 2 is a C, a 4 is an A...) and he was talking about how when he was in school he was frustrated because whether he got 50% or 0% he still got an F. He was talking about how it made him mad because an F signified that he knew nothing, when in reality he knew half of the material- which is a lot more than nothing. I just liked that a lot because it's totally true. I want to use something like that when I'm a teacher. -I'm always like "we need to save more money" but then 2 minutes later I just want pizza pie cafe. -Becoming friends with people is hard. Yesterday my friend Megan from work invited us over for a game night and movie night with her and her husband. Her husbands brother and his wife were also there. We played Telestrations and Phase 10 and it was so fun. And now it's just weird cuz like do we invite them to do something now? How soon? It's just rough- ...


Hello. -I love my classes. Well, two of them. My teachers are funny and intelligent and they spark conversations and thinking and it's awesome. I'm excited to be an English major. These people are my kind of people and they love books just as much as I do. -I hate when you're trying to write something and you know what you're trying to say but you just can't seem to find how to say it. Ugh essays you kill me. -Social media you are awesome but I also hate you. I go from Instagram to Facebook for hours on end, for no particular reason just to avoid doing homework or anything productive. And then I start feeling like a loser because I'm not in Guatemala modeling swimsuits and I'm never going to be able to follow all my dreams of traveling and being beautiful and blah blah blah. My life is actually fine, Instagram, shut up. -I cut my hair and dyed it dark and also got bangs. I love it. I've been wanting a change for a while now but I always get scared so...

An AZ Moab Christmas

After the hardest/worst/most stressful/I went a little crazy semester ever I was definitely excited for Christmas break. There's nothing I love more than no school, no work, and unlimited Tanner and family time. We headed off to Arizona Sunday night and after 11 hours finally made it. In AZ we went to the Mesa temple lights (totally cool! And you don't even have to hurry inside the visitors center cuz you aren't freezing your butt off!), played a lot of croquet and cornhole (I may have gotten a little upset when Thomas killed me in croquet. Come on, he's 7.), had some of Tanner's high school friends and neighbors come over for some hot chocolate, went to In n Out with Shaheed (tried and failed to get him to move to Utah. Typical), watched some Parks and Rec, visited Tanner's grandma (seriously so funny), went bowling with the whole family (the best was seeing Thomas and Muff get strikes. "My Christmas wish came true!"), and opened sibling presents. And...