The Sunday after last Sunday
-My literary analysis teacher was talking about his 4 point grading scale (so basically a 2 is a C, a 4 is an A...) and he was talking about how when he was in school he was frustrated because whether he got 50% or 0% he still got an F. He was talking about how it made him mad because an F signified that he knew nothing, when in reality he knew half of the material- which is a lot more than nothing. I just liked that a lot because it's totally true. I want to use something like that when I'm a teacher. -I'm always like "we need to save more money" but then 2 minutes later I just want pizza pie cafe. -Becoming friends with people is hard. Yesterday my friend Megan from work invited us over for a game night and movie night with her and her husband. Her husbands brother and his wife were also there. We played Telestrations and Phase 10 and it was so fun. And now it's just weird cuz like do we invite them to do something now? How soon? It's just rough- ...