What the Gospel Means to Me
" There is a beauty and clarity that comes from simplicity that we sometimes do not appreciate." Dieter F. Uchtdorf It seems that the older I get, the simpler my testimony becomes. The basics of this gospel are beautiful and powerful and whenever hard times come, I'm reminded of that. The gospel to me is... Heavenly Father. He loves me so much. He knows the right people you'll need at the right time. He understands you perfectly. He made such a beautiful place for us to live and enjoy. Jesus Christ. An Atonement that makes everything ok, every single time. Mistakes that no longer exist because He's forgotten all of them. An example and a leader to follow. Family. A marriage that is unshakeable and forever. A best friend to have by my side through everything. Parents that love each other and that love me. A support system and of course, people to laugh with. The gospel is... Loving everyone, no matter what. Helping each...