
Showing posts from August, 2016


We decided to end summer with a CRUISE. Tanner is always talking about how great cruises are and I've never been on one so off we went. (To the cheapest one of course). We left on Friday and stayed at Tanner's cousin Ashlee's house in St. George. (They are the best for letting us stay with them.) On Saturday we did a little (like less than a mile) hiking in Snow Canyon (it was really hot, ok?) and ate some Chick Fil A and had dutch oven dinners and a fire with s'mores that night. (Just set up the self timer and yell "KISS ME" and you'll get this picture that makes you look so in love.) Jenny's Canyon- a really short hike but it's so pretty and fun! (Also shaded.)  This is Ashlee and Jordan's dog Piper and look how much Tanner loves it. I loved it too until it jumped on me while I was sleeping and shed all over my clothes. I still need some convincing that we'll ever own a dog.  On Sunday morning we left bright and ear...