
Showing posts from November, 2016

Dear Life

Dear online Christmas shopping, you are the best and you tend to really threaten our financial security. Dear Thanksgiving break, you went by too fast, as always. Dear Saint George, you never get old. Your red rocks and nice weather are ingredients for a perfect vacation. Along with a huge house all to ourself. Dear essays, no matter how many of you I write I still get anxiety every time one is assigned and I hate you so much. Dear homework, I'm tired, and I can't wait to have free time that isn't spent wondering what I should be doing. I can't wait for a break from you in THREE WEEKS. Dear weddings, you give me all the feels. I love remembering my own wedding and how awesome marriage really is. Dear Aunna, you were the prettiest bride. And I'm so glad it wasn't completely freezing on your big day. Dear feelings, WHAT THE HECK. Calm down. Dear Christmas music, I'm usually not a huge fan but you make Tanner so happy so I'm slowly being...
I am a worrier. Through and through. Tanner tells me that I can eliminate this worry from my life. I don't believe him. Well, I do believe him. But maybe I'm not ready to leave my worries yet. They're safe. Maybe that's why I love books. Because there are a lot of books about worriers. And I love those worriers. Because they are real. And because they are me. So here I am... Worrying. About the fact that I am not a good writer. So how am I going to expect my students to be? About an essay that I have due on Tuesday. I always think that I am not going to be able to finish assignments. But I have literally never missed an assignment. So my logic is quite flawed. About how I feel I'll never be able to travel the world. Because in order to travel, you need money, time, and ambitions. Which I seem to be lacking. About having a major addiction to social media. Why can I not be a normal human and not check Instagram every 5 seconds? I don't e...