I hate coming up with blog post titles. Options you can choose from for this post: "Summer when you're not on vacation", "A bunch of random things I've been thinking about", "Writing helps me sort out my feelings", "Sometimes I read books". Anyway, this can be like a choose your own adventure type thing but with titles. Partayyyy. Since our New York trip, we haven't been up to anything super exciting. If I'm being completely honest, I've spent a fair amount of time this summer feeling really frustrated. I AM BORED. A lot of how I imagined this summer to be is not how it actually is (haha isn't that weird? life usually goes exactly like you plan;) I am working at Deseret Book and it's kind of frustrating because 1. I only work like 20 hours a week, 2. The hours I do work are the very few hours that Tanner isn't at work, 3. I have NOTHING in common with anyone I work with, and 4. I barely make any money. And like ...