
Showing posts from June, 2017


I hate coming up with blog post titles. Options you can choose from for this post: "Summer when you're not on vacation", "A bunch of random things I've been thinking about", "Writing helps me sort out my feelings", "Sometimes I read books". Anyway, this can be like a choose your own adventure type thing but with titles. Partayyyy. Since our New York trip, we haven't been up to anything super exciting. If I'm being completely honest, I've spent a fair amount of time this summer feeling really frustrated. I AM BORED. A lot of how I imagined this summer to be is not how it actually is (haha isn't that weird? life usually goes exactly like you plan;) I am working at Deseret Book and it's kind of frustrating because 1. I only work like 20 hours a week, 2. The hours I do work are the very few hours that Tanner isn't at work, 3. I have NOTHING in common with anyone I work with, and 4. I barely make any money. And like ...

New York City!

I've been wanting to visit New York for a long time, and I was super sad when plans to go with Taryn in March fell through. So when Tanner and I were planning a vacation and found good deals on flights, we decided to do it! And Tanner's sister lives in New York and was so nice to let us stay with her, making our trip so much easier and so much better. So, we headed out on Thursday night after Tanner got home from work. NOTE TO SELF- NEVER TAKE A RED EYE FLIGHT. It was miserable. For some reason the plane was a million degrees and there was a baby straight up SCREAMING for most of the flight. Longest four hours ever. But don't worry, I probably got 30 minutes of sleep ;) Because of the time change, we landed in New York at 6 AM, which was actually 4 AM Utah time... And we got on the Subway for about an hour and a half and finally made it to Alec's apartment where we were staying. We decided it would be best to take a few hours and sleep so we didn't just pass o...