Changing How I See God
I like to think I have a fairly good relationship with my Heavenly Father. I know He loves me, He knows I love Him. I talk to him every day and (usually) trust Him that He knows what He's doing. But my relationship with him and my thoughts about Him have changed quite a bit in the last few years. I used to think that He wanted to control everything I did. I believed that there was always a right and a wrong choice, and if I chose the wrong choice, my whole life would be altered and I would be doomed to a life of misery (wow so dramatic). Now, that's not really the case (Although I still struggle a lot! But I'm learning). I have had many instances when I have been praying for an answer and I've been so frustrated because one just doesn't come! Or worse, I feel like I get two different answers and I don't know what to do! And it gives me MAJOR anxiety because, hello! Wrong choice= life of misery! There have been times when I've been physically sick bec...