
Things I've been loving lately:
- Tanner's smile - When you haven't listened to a song in a while and it's just as good as you remembered it to be - Inspiring + passionate conversations - THIS (I want to be Mrs. Gull when I grow up, if only I could learn to write so well) - Hand lettering - Sweater weather + The sweaters that go along with it - Being in a room full of learners that are passionate about the same things that you are - Teachers that just get it - That Tanner can finish any Office quote that I start - Ben and Leslie's wedding on Parks and Rec - The walk to school that would make a perfect puzzle picture - The yellows in the treetops - The kind of naps where you wake up and you still know what day it is - Realizing that I get to hang out with Tanner every day for the rest of my life - Rereading Tuesdays with Morrie - This quote: "Everyone sucks until they get kinda good at something" - The new season of Brooklyn Nine- Nine - Playing on an intramural soccer team - Feeling excited to be a teacher and confident that this is a wonderful path to be on - Rocky road ice cream -

Things I haven't been loving lately:
- My tendency to stress about everything - Worrying about Tanner + my family - Getting a C on a paper - Feeling like my self worth is based on how well I perform in school - Questions that don't have answers - Dirty dishes and dirty clothes - Thinking about the fact that when Tanner graduates, I might not get to be an Aggie anymore - That I never go running despite my good intentions - That I no longer have a team to run with - Having three tests in one week - Believing myself when I say that I can't do things and that I'm not good enough - That my Facebook feed is strictly politics - That I'm so addicted to social media that I still feel the need to look at said Facebook feed - That there is only one Brooklyn Nine- Nine episode per week - That I have to take so many Lit History courses - That Logan still doesn't have a Target - My inability to write beautifully -


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