Fall Semester 2016 Highlights
This semester has been both eventful, stressful, and quite boring at times. That's kind of how life goes. Here's a recap:
We moved into a new apartment with two bedrooms! Such an upgrade. And the walls aren't a barfy color and we have a beautiful view of the mountains and the temple. It really is so nice. It feels so homey (homie? haha) and I love it.
We also moved into a new ward that is GREAT!
I went to an 80s dance with my handsome husband. He's a party animal. (Not really. But more than me haha)
Mini-golfed and corn-holed with the family on Labor Day.
Got 2nd place in the corn hole tournament with all of our friends. It was a tragic loss to Ben and Spencer. I'm still bitter ;)
Went to some football games and sat in the back like true old married people.
Saw Charlie Puth in concert at USU. Pretty sure he was extremely high but it was still a fun time.
Celebrated our first anniversary with a weekend trip to the Tetons. My new favorite place with my forever favorite person.
Went to Arizona for a (very awkward) family reunion. Also decided that Halloween in Arizona is a lot more fun because it is not freezing. And because you get to hang out with Taryn. Also went to the world's comfiest movie theater. Recliners for life.
Took in all of the art at the art museum on campus. Decided that we will never be artists.
Went to the zoo with my family. Giraffes are so cool!
I attended my first teaching conference. I felt so professional and SO EMPOWERED. Go teachers!
I made a lot of new friends in my classes. Turns out that I have a lot in common with English Teaching majors ;) They like to read too!
I was a bridesmaid for my beautiful friend Aunna's wedding. I guess working at Chugz was worth it ;) And she married Matt Richards that is from Lehi. What a small world.
I worked every day from 2-6 with a bunch of hooligan youngsters. They're so annoying and exhausting but I love my co-workers. They make getting chocolate milk spilled on you every day almost worth it.
I took my all time favorite class this semester: Teaching Young Adult Literature. My teacher is named Jessica Rivera-Mueller and she is seriously everything I hope to be in a teacher. She's so passionate and I love that. And she always says hi to me when I see her outside of class. That makes such a difference.
I taught my first full lesson. It was on The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. I LOVE YOUNG ADULT LITERATURE.
I practiced my hand lettering.
I read many books that blew me away with their genius: Perks of Being a Wallflower and The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian. Also We Should All Be Feminists? GENIUS.
Drove down to Saint George to spend time with family over Thanksgiving weekend. We hung out with Tanner's cousin Ashlee and her 2 cute kids (and her husband Jordan let us stay at his parent's house because they were out of town. yay for big TVs and nice beds!), my aunt Nicole and her kids, both sets of grandparents, my great grandma Olsen, and my siblings and parents. It was a nice weekend of games and hiking and watching soccer.
Went to Temple Square with Tanner's old mission companion Todd and his wife Sarah. Despite the crowds, I sure love that place.
I got A's on all my essays for one class and Cs and Bs on all my essays for another class. I'm not sure how my writing could change so much in one day?? Oh English. You torture me with your ambiguity. (Not even sure if I used that word right. Maybe that's why I got those Bs)
I wore my Christmas sweater a lot.
I (barely) survived my 19th Century British Literature and 17th Century American Literature classes. As Jimmy Fallon would say, EW!!! (Turns out that some- and I only mean SOME- 19th century British lit isn't so bad. Hats off to you, Oscar Wilde.)
Mitch threw his annual It's a Wonderful Life Christmas Party complete with many heartfelt toasts to good friendship (using sparking cider, of course).
I finished all of my Christmas shopping.
I became obsessed with a new show- This Is Us. (Cue all the tears.)
I cried too many times over assignments.
I listened to a lot of Ben Rector.
I made Tanner profess his love for me every 5 seconds (I'm such a needy wife.)
I bought the softest sweater ever.
I trimmed my own bangs.
We moved into a new apartment with two bedrooms! Such an upgrade. And the walls aren't a barfy color and we have a beautiful view of the mountains and the temple. It really is so nice. It feels so homey (homie? haha) and I love it.
We also moved into a new ward that is GREAT!
I went to an 80s dance with my handsome husband. He's a party animal. (Not really. But more than me haha)
Mini-golfed and corn-holed with the family on Labor Day.
Got 2nd place in the corn hole tournament with all of our friends. It was a tragic loss to Ben and Spencer. I'm still bitter ;)
Went to some football games and sat in the back like true old married people.
Saw Charlie Puth in concert at USU. Pretty sure he was extremely high but it was still a fun time.
Celebrated our first anniversary with a weekend trip to the Tetons. My new favorite place with my forever favorite person.
Went to Arizona for a (very awkward) family reunion. Also decided that Halloween in Arizona is a lot more fun because it is not freezing. And because you get to hang out with Taryn. Also went to the world's comfiest movie theater. Recliners for life.
Took in all of the art at the art museum on campus. Decided that we will never be artists.
Went to the zoo with my family. Giraffes are so cool!
I attended my first teaching conference. I felt so professional and SO EMPOWERED. Go teachers!
I made a lot of new friends in my classes. Turns out that I have a lot in common with English Teaching majors ;) They like to read too!
I was a bridesmaid for my beautiful friend Aunna's wedding. I guess working at Chugz was worth it ;) And she married Matt Richards that is from Lehi. What a small world.
I worked every day from 2-6 with a bunch of hooligan youngsters. They're so annoying and exhausting but I love my co-workers. They make getting chocolate milk spilled on you every day almost worth it.
I took my all time favorite class this semester: Teaching Young Adult Literature. My teacher is named Jessica Rivera-Mueller and she is seriously everything I hope to be in a teacher. She's so passionate and I love that. And she always says hi to me when I see her outside of class. That makes such a difference.
I taught my first full lesson. It was on The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. I LOVE YOUNG ADULT LITERATURE.
I read many books that blew me away with their genius: Perks of Being a Wallflower and The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian. Also We Should All Be Feminists? GENIUS.
Tanner set up our Christmas tree while I was at class one day and it has brightened our lives ever since.
We ate out a lot because cooking is stressful and hamburgers are delicious.
I wore my Christmas sweater a lot.
I (barely) survived my 19th Century British Literature and 17th Century American Literature classes. As Jimmy Fallon would say, EW!!! (Turns out that some- and I only mean SOME- 19th century British lit isn't so bad. Hats off to you, Oscar Wilde.)
Mitch threw his annual It's a Wonderful Life Christmas Party complete with many heartfelt toasts to good friendship (using sparking cider, of course).
I finished all of my Christmas shopping.
I became obsessed with a new show- This Is Us. (Cue all the tears.)
I cried too many times over assignments.
I listened to a lot of Ben Rector.
I made Tanner profess his love for me every 5 seconds (I'm such a needy wife.)
I bought the softest sweater ever.
I trimmed my own bangs.
You're turning into quite the accomplished photographer! Must get that from your mom.