all the random things
I love reading blogs.
Teaching is so overwhelming and also so inspiring. It’s terrifying because you can either make the biggest difference or make no difference at all. And what if I can’t figure out how to do the first one? What if I don’t have enough passion? What if I don’t have enough time? What if I don’t have enough energy? What if what if what if I fail? Or even worse, what if I hate it? Or what if I love it and don’t ever want to do anything else? That would be cool. I hope it sets my soul on fire and I find fulfillment. Because in my head, I really love it.
I’ve been into Train lately. I love when you forget about a band and then re-discover them and realize oh yeah they are awesome no wonder I always listened to them. And Train always has such random lyrics that make me laugh.
The past few nights I’ve woken up at like 4 in the morning, ready to party. I am not a fan of that.
I really hate birth control. But it also gives me excuses for a lot of things. I gained weight? Must be birth control. I’m super moody? Birth control. I am hungry every five minutes? Birth control for sure.
I miss being in amazing shape. But apparently not enough to get back into that good of shape? It’s a problem I have.
I love my mom’s kind eyes and big smile. She’s the best.
I love listening to my dad laugh. Especially when he laughs because he made us laugh.
I wish Tanner didn’t have to work so much.
I have a serious case of wanderlust currently. I need some Tanner + Kenzie time exploring a city I’ve never set foot in before.
I want to read a book that I fall in love with. It’s been a while.
I really want a pair of overalls. Could I pull that off?
I wish my hair would grow super long super fast. And every morning I could choose whether or not I wanted bangs that day. I want a hair superpower.
I bet Jimmy Fallon is fun to hang out with. He laughs at everything.
I’m going to miss school so much when I graduate. Old Main + my favorite friends? I love it (usually).
Applying for jobs is the worst. And getting the email: “I’m sorry, we have chosen to pursue candidates that are more qualified.” Um excuse me? You’ve never even met me I am totally qualified to sit at a desk and answer phone calls, how dare you.
I love hearing people’s writing because it’s like a glimpse into their head. I seriously want to know everything about everyone.
I’ve been watching the Mindy Project lately. And by watching I mean devouring/guzzling/binging uncontrollably. It’s a problem to start a show that already has 5 seasons out… I have no self control. But anyway… I am a fan. MINDY + DANNY FOREVER.
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