May Update

We're officially moved into our apartment in South Jordan, we went on a cruise the first week of May, and now we've just been settling into a summer routine. Oh, summer. I am a very antsy person so I usually get bored of summer about 3 weeks in... but I'm trying to enjoy the relaxation of it all because I'm sure that once I start student teaching I'll be dying for a break. Anyway, this summer I'm actually working from home for the job I had in Logan with The Lawn Doctor. I basically sit on my couch all day and answer phone calls. (Living the dream haha) However, when it's slow (which is fairly often), I have quite a bit of free time. This free time has been used to keep the house (somewhat) clean, read, watch a lot of YouTube videos (This one was very entertaining. Also it made me miss This is Us so much!), and write this blog post haha. So, here are some things I've been doing/thinking lately! 

Earlier this week I started reading some teaching blogs and felt extremely overwhelmed. (WHAT AM I GETTING MYSELF INTO? I literally know nothing about teaching. How do you manage a classroom?) Today, I was reading (or more like obsessively devouring) teaching blogs and felt SO EXCITED. (Me: Look at all of these cool ideas to teach. High schoolers are so funny and awesome. I chose the best job ever.) I have a feeling that both of these extreme emotions are going to be on a constant loop during my first year of teaching 😂 (Also- teaching update. After waiting for months to get my student teaching placement, I finally did! And then... it didn't work out. The teacher I was assigned to had other things come up and couldn't take on a student teacher. So... I'm still waiting! But I'll be at Brighton High School and I seriously can't wait! Go Bengals!)

Tanner and I just started watching Arrested Development (just made it to season 2) and it’s been a nice nightly ritual. I seriously love when I start a TV show that already has multiple seasons out. And I love listening to Tanner laugh really hard. It's the best.

We went to a Bees game a few weeks ago with the whole gang of Tanner's friends and it was awesome. Highlights: When to onlookers it definitely looked like we just asked a stranger for money for our parking spot and he obliged but it was actually Blake, the guys holding up Mitch for the "Simba cam", retelling stories of our adventures in Mexico w/ Ben and Sarah, and In-N-Out before the game because they have that here! Also, in case you're wondering, baseball games are still very long. They haven't changed that at all. 

I just finished my fourth book of the summer (and 14th book this year!) and am currently in the middle of this one that has insanely good reviews. I’m liking it so far and hope that by the end I’m loving it. I haven't read a historical fiction in a while so it's been a nice change of pace. These are a few more on my list: Educated, The Woman in the Window, and One Plus One. (Among many others, of course.) And if you have any other recommendations, send them my way!

I’ve been rocking a wardrobe of shorts and T-shirt’s all summer and am kind of nervous about actually having to look presentable once school starts. Also this shirt is on my wishlist. I’ve got a thing for colorful stripes.

Also I'm dying to get some Birkenstocks. But it's hard to pull the trigger on that price and also I can't decide which ones to get? I can't decide if I should go for some awesome shiny ones like these or these or some slightly more boring but possibly more practical tan ones. Please vote in the comments and help out a terrible decision maker like me. 

As I posted to social media, I have been very into podcasts lately. Everyone should go listen to season one of Serial and we can all talk about how Adnan is innocent, obviously. But I’ve probably been listening to too many murder mystery podcasts because on my run the other day I thought- “I need to remember everything I’ve done today. What time did I leave the house? Did I see anyone suspicious?” Just in case I find a dead body and get questioned by the police.” Because seriously no one ever remembers those things and you’ve gotta have a solid alibi, come on people. Also I would definitely be traumatized if that ever happened so hopefully nothing that crazy will ever happen to me! (Side note: Speaking of running, it turns out that it's terrible. I'm hoping that in a few weeks it will be less terrible but seriously WHY IS IT SO HARD AND SWEATY?) 

(Look at these cutie flowers I found on my run the other day. Yay nature + walking breaks.) 

I also just finished S-Town (by the same producers of Serial and This American Life. Man, they sure know how to tell stories.) and it was very good and very sad and I’m not quite sure what to make of it. But it got me thinking about how prevalent and absolutely heartbreaking suicide is and how important it is to be kind and look out for people around you. I would never want anyone to feel so sad and hopeless that they didn't want to be on this Earth anymore. So let's all try to be a little less judgmental, a little more understanding, and let's stop comparing ourselves to others (which is a lot easier said than done). (I also love this quote from Elder Holland; "Empathy. Sounds pretty inadequate, but it is a place to start. We may not be able to alter the journey, but we can make sure no one walks it alone.) And please please please if you are struggling, reach out for help! The podcast also got me thinking about how everyone has a story and everyone is interesting and has things to offer the world. And also the most pressing question, who found John's gold?!? (If you've listened to it, text me and we can speculate haha) (Warning: this podcast has a LOT of language and it's quite graphic. So if you want to listen to it, don't come complaining to me when you or your kids learn a few new words... yikes.. haha) 

Mitch, in a recent turn of events, now owns the bowling alley in Preston. Yes, the one from Napoleon Dynamite! (You think I got to where I am today because I dress like Peter Pan here?? Forget about it.) We headed up there for a night of bowling and pizza. It was a good time even though I lost and I'm not competitive at all ;) 

After listening to President Nelson's youth broadcast (I still feel young, so it counts, right?), I decided to take a 7 day fast from social media. I'm on day 5 and let me tell you it's HARD. Which probably  definitely means I'm addicted. I keep opening my phone and forgetting that all my apps are gone haha. But it's been very good for me and has affirmed to me that what I really like about social media is connecting with people that I know and care about. I LOVE seeing what my friends and family are doing and I love talking with them. What I don't love, or need, is endless scrolling through elaborate travel pictures that make me jealous and makeup tutorials and clothing boutiques. Once I get back on, I'm going to try to be more mindful about the time I spend on those platforms and the people I follow. But I've already tried this a million times so don't be surprised if I need another detox in a few months haha. 

Last week I went to dinner with my friend Jocelyn and it was so great to see her. But it was also a very sad reminder that I don't live close to all of my friends anymore. :( Tanner and I were going to invite people to do something the other night and realized that Ben and Sarah (pretty much our only friends down here in SL County) were out of town. So, we need more friends to move down here or just drive to come see us :) I also really really miss our ward. 

We went to see Solo a few weeks ago (3.5 stars) and are going to see Ocean's 8 tonight. I can't wait to see so many of my favorite actresses kick some butt!

For Memorial Day we headed to Capitol Reef with the fam. It's been SO FUN living close to them and being able to hang out on a regular basis! I'm related to the greatest people on the planet. It was so fun. Also time needs to SLOW DOWN my siblings are all getting way too old.

I think that's about it. I feel like this was a very random and rambly post but hey, that's kind of how I roll. 


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