Marriage isn't Hard... Sometimes.

I've learned a lot of things while being married.

(Look at us on our honeymoon, so cute)

I've learned that two people use SO MANY DISHES, that I love hugs, and that sleeping is a lot better when you each have your own blanket.

I've also learned that everyone tells you marriage is hard.

I'm not going to tell you that it's hard... but I'm also not going to tell you that it isn't.

Marriage is how you choose to make it.

Lucky for me, Tanner happens to be really good at making it easy. (Tanner's really good at a lot of things.)

It's easy because he forgives and forgets. Immediately. Always. No matter what.
It's easy because on hard days he still thinks life is good and our marriage is great.
It's easy because he looks for blessings instead of dwelling on disappointments.
It's easy because he's willing to go with the flow and readjust plans as necessary.
It's good because he is ALWAYS positive.

I, on the other hand, have a harder time making it easy. (Go figure... I'm the problem child in this relationship;)

It's hard when I let emotions take over the tone of my voice.
It's hard when I want to be understood more than I want to be kind.
It's hard when I let expectations ruin the joy of reality.
It's hard when I expect Tanner to read my mind and know exactly what I want, when I want it.

But even though I'm still working on making marriage easy, I'll always believe that marriage is the best.

It's the best because he doesn't watch our shows without me.
It's the best because I hate cooking so we go get hamburgers.
It's the best because he plays his XBox while I read.
It's the best because he doesn't mind my shower singing. (And singing in the car. and singing when I clean the house. He endures a lot of singing.)
It's the best because I always ask if he still likes me and he always says yes.
It's the best because he rolls his eyes at my "that's what she said" jokes but then still laughs. (Guys, I know they're not appropriate but I've watched the Office way too much.... sometimes I can't help it.)
It's the best because every conversation ends with... "It's like that episode of... [insert Parks and Rec, The Office, Brooklyn Nine Nine, How I Met Your Mother...]"
It's the best because he lets me dream about a bunch of vacations and works hard to make them possible someday.
It's the best because he takes pictures of me where I actually look good.
It's the best because he does the dishes and doesn't get mad when I claim that I ALWAYS do them.
It's the best because we make sure our fridge is always stocked with ice cream.
It's the best because he's really good at kissing.
It's the best because he understands the gospel a lot more than I do. (Thank goodness.)
It's the best because we both want each other to succeed.
But mostly it's the best because we want it to be.

I LOVE YOU TANNER. Here's to working on making our life a little easier and a little better. Thanks for being my forever boyfriend.

And in the making of this post I came across so many awkward engagement photos that I just had to share. So without further ado I present Tanner and Kenzie being unphotogenic:

Here we are casually conversing on a rock. hahahahahaha. maybe it's just me that finds these funny but man. It's been a long week.

This one isn't too bad but why the cheek graze?

Heimlich maneuver. (Backwards. But still.)

Hunchback Tanner?

HAHA this one reminds me of the Proposal when they're snuggling and he just puts his hand on top of her head awkwardly. When would we ever be posing like this in real life ever?

Hunchback Kenzie?

Why is he touching my face? 

Just taking a quick snooze.

And finally, Prom 2015.



  1. Hahahahah you make me laugh, and I love every second of what you said!!!

  2. Thanks for sharing Kenz! This was so uplifting and fun to read.

  3. You are such a great writer Kenz! I love when you have new posts and I get to learn a little more about you. Miss you!


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