Dear Life

Dear online Christmas shopping, you are the best and you tend to really threaten our financial security.

Dear Thanksgiving break, you went by too fast, as always.

Dear Saint George, you never get old. Your red rocks and nice weather are ingredients for a perfect vacation. Along with a huge house all to ourself.

Dear essays, no matter how many of you I write I still get anxiety every time one is assigned and I hate you so much.

Dear homework, I'm tired, and I can't wait to have free time that isn't spent wondering what I should be doing. I can't wait for a break from you in THREE WEEKS.

Dear weddings, you give me all the feels. I love remembering my own wedding and how awesome marriage really is.

Dear Aunna, you were the prettiest bride. And I'm so glad it wasn't completely freezing on your big day.

Dear feelings, WHAT THE HECK. Calm down.

Dear Christmas music, I'm usually not a huge fan but you make Tanner so happy so I'm slowly being converted.

Dear church, WHY ARE YOU SO EARLY! 8:30 is basically the crack of dawn. I don't think the Spirit is awake that early.

Dear Logan, you are beautiful. I am so glad that I fell in love with you so that I have the greatest place to fall in love with my life.

Dear Ben Rector, your music speaks to my soul. We really all should live like the world is going to end.

Dear sisters, I love watching you do the things that you love. Never stop.

Dear Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian, a book has never made me laugh so hard. I can't wait to re-read you and learn more about myself again and again.

Dear Michael Scott, I will never not cry during your last episode. Best boss I ever had.

Dear This Is Us, I've needed a new TV show and you are everything I could have wanted. There isn't a character that I don't completely love.

Dear disagreements, I hope that someday soon I can learn to handle you without tears.

Dear Dr. Rivera-Mueller, thank you for your enthusiasm about teaching. It is contagious and I can't wait to put it into practice.

Dear cooking, you suck.

Dear Costa Vida, you rock.

Dear giraffes, I'm sorry that you're in captivity but man I sure like hanging out with you at the zoo.

Dear Christmas tree, it's crazy how much cozier you make our home look. I never want to take you down.

Dear Dad, you keep getting older and you keep getting cooler. I love you. Happy birthday.

Dear Temple Square, despite your crowdedness, you're still fun every year.

Dear feminism, I love that you encourage women everywhere to pursue their dreams and be more than they thought possible.

Dear friends, it really hurts when you don't show up.

Dear December, SO MANY GOOD MOVIES COMING OUT. Thanks for that.

Dear cereal, thanks for always being my go-to.

Dear Tanner, I love you always no matter what. And I'm so glad that you feel the same. You are really awesome.

Dear life, thank you for everything.

(Post inspiration from the lovely Taza)


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