I am a worrier.
Through and through.
Tanner tells me that I can eliminate this worry from my life.
I don't believe him.
Well, I do believe him.
But maybe I'm not ready to leave my worries yet.
They're safe.
Maybe that's why I love books.
Because there are a lot of books about worriers.
And I love those worriers.
Because they are real.
And because they are me.
So here I am... Worrying.
About the fact that I am not a good writer.
So how am I going to expect my students to be?
About an essay that I have due on Tuesday.
I always think that I am not going to be able to finish assignments.
But I have literally never missed an assignment.
So my logic is quite flawed.
About how I feel I'll never be able to travel the world.
Because in order to travel, you need money, time, and ambitions.
Which I seem to be lacking.
About having a major addiction to social media.
Why can I not be a normal human and not check Instagram every 5 seconds?
I don't even care about people's lives! Why do I care about their pictures?
About the fact that I am slowly gaining pounds and also not going to the gym.
Because I hate going running alone. It sucks.
About my lack of style.
Because I think that if I dressed better I'd suddenly have better self esteem.
But I don't think those two are really correlated.
But despite all of these thoughts,
I feel quite content.
Because I have done nothing today except
And watch The Office.
So yes, my life is good.
Worries included.


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