Christmas Break

I know it's been a few weeks since Christmas Break but I still feel in Christmas break mode (aka really lazy) so I'm not too far behind.

We had a really great break filled with family and friends and food and fun.

I finished up my 7th semester at Utah State. I really can't believe that I'm almost a college graduate. Why do I still feel like a child and why do I still feel so unprepared for the real world? haha. But this was my favorite semester of all time. I had 2 of my all time favorite classes- Teaching Literature (Dr. Gunsberg is THE BEST teacher ever. I learned (and laughed) so much) and Literacy in Diverse Classrooms (Sonia is also the best. She brought us food every week and has so many great teaching ideas.) I literally had every single class with Jocelyn which was really awesome. I'm so thankful for the friends I've made here at Utah State. I will keep saying that until the day I die because I am just so lucky! 

We went on a hike up the canyon with Jenni and Mike. Some couple friends just click with you and those two are definitely those kinds of friends. Also I put Tanner's phone through the wash but we don't need to talk about that haha. 

Tanner rearranged the living room. And look at our tree! So cute. 

We've started a tradition of doing our own Christmas celebration before we head down south to visit family. It's one of my favorite parts of Christmas. It makes it so special to be able to just focus on each other and enjoy the excitement together. This was such a great Christmas for us. Tanner was so thoughtful with his gifts and it was really fun. (He got me a Book of the Month subscription! The best!!!!) And I pulled off a surprise weekend trip for him and I'm really proud of myself for keeping it a secret for so long!

We hung out Friday and Saturday before Christmas with my lovely mother in law Laura! We went to The Greatest Showman (my new favorite movie OF ALL TIME. Music! Dancing! Hugh Jackman! Zac Efron!) and we also went to Luminaria at Thanksgiving Point. It was really fun (and cold) and we didn't get any good pictures!

haha this picture is so funny. 

Christmas Eve was spent at church and playing games with the family. I really love that I get to see both sets of grandparents around Christmas time. I am lucky to have such great family and to be able to see them regularly. 

Christmas was great! We opened presents, Skyped with Mason (it kind of made me miss him even more! So bittersweet.), had a snowball fight, played some more games, and just hung out! I must be getting old because I was really just excited to spend time with my family over the break, it didn't even really feel like Christmas haha 

After Christmas, Tanner had to go back to work (boo!!) but I got to go with my family to Moab! 

We invented a game called "Try to pick the biggest piece of ice out of the water." It's really cool. 

We had "Never Enough" from The Greatest Showman stuck in our heads the entire time. 

No one makes me laugh harder than these two. I LOVE them. I'm glad they let me join their "farty party" and I'm glad they share their Oreo Thins with me.

This is such a fun tradition that we have. I really love spending time with them and I hate that we're all growing up! Also for future reference, Moab Diner is not really that good- so hopefully next year I come and read this post so we don't eat there again haha 

New Year's Eve was pretty uneventful. Tanner was sick so he slept all day while I went to Church and hung out around the house (BORING.) When he finally woke up, he was ready to party and I was ready for bed so we compromised and ate some frozen pizza and played Mario Kart. We then turned on Masterminds which kept us up until midnight (barely) and then we went to bed! 

On New Years Day we were both grumpy (we obviously should always go to bed before midnight) and we went and saw Coco! It was so cute.

Before we went back to school Jocelyn invited us over to her house in Layton. Her mom is an amazing cook and offered to teach us some of her ways. It was really fun learning how to make probably the best food I've ever eaten but mostly to spend time with the best girls in the world! (And we watched Nicolle's wedding video for the 50th time because it's just so perfect! haha) 

Then it was back to school and work. I still can't believe this is my last semester at Utah State but at the same time I can definitely tell because I am tired haha. I'm ready to be teaching! But I know I'll miss Logan so much so I'm trying to make the most of it. 

Only 6 more weeks until Spring Break!!!


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